Studies have shown that the first few years of a person’s life are crucial to that person’s mental and physical development. It is no wonder that the PreSchool Fair organized by Mommy Mundo last Saturday February 4, 2017, was jam-packed with parents who were keen to give their beloved little ones the best head start in life.
Photo above: many exhibitors brought educational toys to keep kids interested,
and demonstrate to the parents how they would interact with the kids
There were about 20 stalls of exhibitors at the event, which was held on the top floor of Fully Booked at Bonifacio High Street, 11th Avenue, Bonifacio Global City. Most of them were preschools, such as ┬áCambridge Child Development Center, Clayton Learning Center, MindChamps International PlaySchool, Play Works, ICBB, Little Archers Learning Centers and Integrow. There were also several international schools that have preschool departments, such as┬áBritesparks International School and The King’s School Manila.┬á
In addition to exhibitions, the event also had presentations from some of the exhibitors. Representative of HomeSchool Global gave a presentation on the advantages of home schooling, such as the flexibility of educating your child anywhere even when you are travelling abroad, and at a pace that suits your child’s path of development. While it was acknowledged that home schooling was not for the majority of families, the presenter was convincing in advising parents that home schooling is not that difficult. Organizations like HomeSchool Global can provide guidance, teaching materials and community support.
Teachers of a preschool, Clayton, demonstrated a typical session for preschoolers in their school, which was composed of lively singing and healthy physical exercises for the young bodies.
There were a lot of interactions between parents and the educators, while the little ones got to experience different teaching styles, or simply had fun playing. Mommy Mundo’s Preschool Fair was a truly worthy event for parents who attended.