is a website that provides information about the new townships in Fort Bonifacio. It is like a city guide. However, we do more than that. We report about developments that are of concern to people living and/or working here, such as issues concerning traffic and recreational facilities. We also have advocacies that promote awareness about bigger issues, such as clean air.
Why do we care about clean air? Maybe it is nostalgic. Fifteen years ago, we visited Bonifacio Global City when we needed to get away from other parts of Metro Manila. There was hardly any development here, and very little traffic. And of course, time passes and there are more buildings, people and cars here now. We can tell the difference in terms of air quality, by smell and sometimes with our eyes, even though we do not immediately fall sick from the polluted air. Development is necessary, but we should be able to find ways to mitigate its harmful effect, and more importantly, know how to protect ourselves from long term harmful effect.
Air pollution is sometimes visible, but even when it is not, it can still contain harmful substances.
Nowadays, you can get an air monitor for particulate matters and volatile organic compounds for a few hundred US dollars.
We are organizing the AirMazing Race to raise awareness about air pollution. Participants will be youngsters between 12 and 15 years old living or studying in Fort Bonifacio.
The detailed rules of the AirMazing Race are contained here.
We will be going Facebook Live on the day of the event. You can support us by participating if you meet the criteria, or sponsor us, or just watch the event.
We’d like to acknowledge our sponsors and partners for this event.
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