If you are looking for properties to invest in Fort Bonifacio, do not limit your options to those offered by brokers. You maybe able to find good deals by checking out the foreclosed properties offered by banks. We checked out several banks with branches here, and found the listings of foreclosed properties in Fort Bonifacio on their websites.

For example, BDO’s site has these properties as on May 9, 2017:

(photo: those with broken images do not have unloaded image)

These were the same properties that were on the list at least since April 18. This can mean one of several things, e.g. BDO does not update the site often, there is no genuine bidder for the properties, or BDO is very firm with the asking prices.

BPI also has a website for foreclosed properties. These were the properties in Fort Bonifacio :

Below is the list for PSBank on the same day :

China Bank’s website also has a list, but it is not updated often. As of May 9, 2017, they are still just showing the February 2017 list only. It has these properties from Fort Bonifacio:


According to a BDO staff, if you are interested in a property on their list, you can just fill in the form that will appear when you click on the image of that property on their website. You can submit a bid, or request a viewing of the property, and they will get back to you within a few days.

Information vacuum

The real estate market in the Philippines is far from transparent, as compared to places with a vibrant real estate market such as Singapore and Hong Kong. There is no easily available public data on the number of transactions and prices of transactions of properties, hence investors have to work in the dark most of the time, and thus demand a high margin of safety.  The property listings in these bank sites at least give you some information about properties in this area. Moreover, you can be more assured that the title of the property that you are getting is clean, which cannot be said if you deal with sellers that you do not know.

For information about features of a building in Fort Bonifacio, or listing of properties for sale or rent here, you can check out our real estate section. 

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